Enseignement à l'EPU
- PeiP1: [2007-2012]
- PeiP1: vous pouvez décharger
les notes
du cours de Mécanique (1er semestre) et les annales:
- PeiP1 [2008-2010]
- PeiP2: le cours sera distribué en cours.
Lecturer at Les Houches School
in Singapore Ultracold gases and Quantum Information
[July 2009]:- The course was published (Oxford University Press 2011).
Teaching at the SNS [2003-2006]
- The course of Statistical Mechanics was published. It is an introductory book
written with Mario P. Tosi.
- The course of Many-body was written by A. Minguzzi, M. Polini and M.P. Tosi
in different editions.